
Information Technology for Participatory Development

R. Raman Nair

Concept Publishing Company, 2003 - - 523 pages

Deals with various aspects related to ICT at the grassroots level in e-governanace

Sanskrit Informatics

R. Raman Nair

L. Sulochana Devi

Sanskrit Informatics intended as a study guide for Sanskrit Students attending methodology courses can create awareness on  available digital resources on Sanskrit and Indology  and introduce the basics of ICT skills for effectively accessing, processing and using  them 

ISBN  978-81-922030 -0-3

Library and Information Science

K M Govi

A boook prepared in regional language to familiarize the librarians with information and communication technology to provide knowledge based services to local communities.

ISBN  978-81-922030 -1-0

I Did Not Studie at Harvard University

R Krishnamurthy

A chapbook for young managers especially those in  IT Companies sharing practical wisdom. The suthor has worked in  twp ZPZSUs and one MNC and a start up which exposed hi to diffrent organizational cultures

ISBN  978-81-922030 -3-4

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